Easter morning, just before daylight, it begins:
5:00am -- Mary Magdalene, Mary mother of Jesus and Salome leave for the tomb. Mary Magdalene hurried on ahead, found the tomb empty and ran to tell Peter & John.
5:30am -- Mary mother of Jesus and Salome arrive at daylight (Mark 16:2). They saw an angel who sent a message to the disciples (Matthew 28:5 & Mark 1:5).
6:00am -- Another group of women including Joanna arrive (Luke 24:1 & Mark 16:1). Two young men gave them comfort and instruction (Luke 24:4).
6:30am -- Peter, John and Mary Magdalene arrive. Peter and John leave and Mary Magdalene stays. Mary Magdalene saw two angels about the same time the other women were telling the other disciples (Luke 24:10).
7:00am -- Jesus revealed Himself to Mary Magdalene (John 20:14-18 & Mark 16:9). Then the other women returned and Jesus met them. He gave them instruction to tell the disciples to meet Him in Galilee (Matthew 28:9).
Timeline compiled by John Phillips from the Gospels.